The decision to organize your closet is a step in the right direction. How do you know which type of materials to use for your project? It really depends on the look you are striving to achieve. Melamine organizers are laminated particle board. They are very simple to install and will give your closet a very professional style and look. They often to be custom installed carpentry.
Wire organizers are vinyl steel, coated with epoxy to make them more attractive. These products come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They are quite versatile and you can use the same item for many different storage options including shoes, belts, sweaters, and shoes. They are also very inexpensive and easy to install. Wire organizers offer a great amount of support for those heavy items in your closet.
Wooden closet organizers are the most expensive; they are commonly made from cedar wood. They are heavy and very durable. They will hold anything you can think to place in your closet including heavy books. The cedar will repel moths, pests, and insects from invading your closet space as well. Some people find the smell of cedar to be too strong. It can also affect the smell of your clothing.
Canvas closet organizers are very appealing. You can get them in a variety of colors including white, black, brown, and tie-dyed. They are light weight, easy to install, and inexpensive. They aren’t the best choice for heavy items though.
Racks to hang your clothes on or for shoes are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. They can be short and wide or long and skinny to fit the space area you have in your closet. You can choose from tier racks or hanging racks. Sometimes just adding a second full or half bar to hang clothing on will double your useable space. Shelves are very simple to install and can give you divided areas for your items rather than everything being lumped together. Baskets are good for this as well.
Cubbies are wonderful for storing your shoe collection, scarves, belts, and even socks or panty hose. Some people enjoy adding slide out drawers to their closet. This gives them a private area to store their undergarments and other personal items. Plastic storage contains work well too, especially if you are on an extremely tight budget.
If you have a fairly large sized closet, you should take a look at a closet carousal. This is a great item for organizing and for getting the most out of your closet space. They are more expensive than many other types of custom closet organizers, but well worth the expense. You can hang clothing on it as well as put accessories and shoes on shelves below the hanging rod. This type of closet organizer has a button that turns it is a slow circle so you can access everything on the carousal with ease.
The types of materials and their quality that you choose for organizing your closet comes down to personal preference as well as your budget for the project. Make sure the materials you plan to use are a good match for the items you plan to use them for. If the items are too heavy for the materials then your organization set up won’t work well. Investing some money in the initial project will help ensure your closet organization system is durable and worth the time and money you invested in it.
When it comes to organizing your closet, the possibilities are endless. Choose from any of these themes or even a combination of several options to get the most out of the closet space you have. Installing some custom closet organizers vertically and others horizontally will allow you to take advantage of the space you do have. People everywhere suffer from having an unorganized closet, but with the help of these products you don’t have to continue being one of them.
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