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Enterprise Value: How the Best Owner-Managers Build Their Fortune, Capture Their Company's Gains, and Create Their Legacy

Enterprise Value: How the Best Owner-Managers Build Their Fortune, Capture Their Company's Gains, and Create Their Legacy

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Increase the Value of Your Business, Capture Its Value When You Sell, and Build a Positive Business Legacy Are you a private business owner? Do you want to have a wealth creation event someday? What are the things you should do right now to optimize your company's enterprise value? You know firsthand how challenging it is to build and run a company
But how much thought have you put into making your exit when the time comes? Will your business have longevity beyond your personal ownership of it-and how? These are questions too many owner-managers fail to ask themselves until it's too late
If you want to maximize your returns and ensure your company's longevity, you need to start facing the tough issues now
"Enterprise Value" walks you step-by-step through the most important challenge of your career
The CEO of Bigelow LLC, a renowned privatebusiness M advisory firm, Peter Worrell has spent the last 30 years helping owner-managers make the right decisions for their future
In this one-of-a-kind guide, he helps you overcome every challenge and make the wisest decisions when you sell your company, while ensuring a positive and generative legacy
"Enterprise Value" provides the information and expert insights you need to answer the most important questions you will face, including: How do I assure the longevity of my enterprise beyond my personal ownership of it? Is my company's industry in or out of favor with institutional investors? Does my financial performance validate my strategy? What due diligence must I perform from the outset? How should I engage my management team? How do I find the best-fit investor and give him or her a compelling reason to invest now? In short, you need the best business plan to realize your company's enterprise value, and Worrell helps you create it
He provides an overview of the private transaction market and the key players with whom you'll interact, and he helps you prepare for life after the sale
Now is the time to plan for the s

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