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Practical Human Resources for Public Managers: A Case Study Approach

Practical Human Resources for Public Managers: A Case Study Approach

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Employers face a myriad of issues when hiring: how to recruit, whom to select, how to interview, Equal Employment Opportunity policies, fair salary offerings, health issues, performance evaluations, behavior/disciplinary actions, turnover, and the list goes on and on
Practical Human Resources Management for Public Managers: A Case Study Approach provides insight into human resource trends and demonstrates how complex situations can be successfully managed by public sector practitioners
The authors take us step by step into the "real world" with examples of historical events that compare "What Happened" with "What Could Have Happened" as well as suggested readings for more in-depth analysis and important points to remember
Exploring the space between theory and what actually occurs in the world, this book supplies instructional case studies based upon actual events
The authors introduce key human resources issues with clear, concise language and provide techniques to address these issues in a real-world setting
The case studies cover legal and liability issues, recruiting and hiring, employee performance, reward and discipline issues, retention, termination, workplace violence, mentorship, motivation, and managing through transitions
The authors bring know-how from a wide array of working environments, including teaching and administrative experience in public universities and management in municipalities of various population sizes from a few thousand to more than a million
They have also worked in a variety of capacities within these organizations, which allow them to see different perspectives on how different departments handle similar situations
They use their from-the-trenches knowledge to explore pragmatic ways to deal with human resource issues in public sector workplaces.

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Pneumatic seat height adjustment
360 degree swivel
Tilt tension and lock
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25 in
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Assembly Instruction
Flaunt your workspace! The Flaunt managers chair is perfect for the work or home office and can be used from the sales office to the executive office
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Flaunt your reception area, media center or even library
If you've got it, Flaunt it!

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